Proactsis Icon Networking & Communication

Networking & Communication

As modern complex systems typically feature a number of inter-linked electronic control systems, networking and communications are of particularly high importance. The ability to efficiently and effectively share data can reduce electrical distribution system requirements and provide a greater set of integrated features to the user. Standardisation is increasingly assisting the development of networked systems with various industry-specific standards available for both the physical and communication layers of these networks.



We are experienced in designing, developing and validating networks and are able to provide the following services:

  • Analysis of communication requirements and opportunities
  • Communication network specification (including physical and communication layers)
  • Specification of network messaging within prescribed standard (content, timing, etc)
  • Network simulation and analysis
  • Network development and testing (including abuse testing, fault insertion, etc)
  • Verification and validation of communications networks
  • Integration with existing and/or non-standard communications systems

Compliance & Standards

Proactsis Controls follows and complies with a number of in-house and industry standards, processes and procedures, supporting robust and safe development.

On-Board Diagnostics

On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems facilitate simple and efficient in-use diagnosis and rectification of electrical and mechanical problems.

Networking & Communication

As modern systems typically feature a number of inter-linked electronic control systems, networking and communications are of particularly high importance.

To discuss commercial aspects of consultancy, please contact us.